The Effective Citizen Lobbyist

Tips for Citizen Lobbyists
Be polite.
  • Don’t knock someone over the head and then expect them to want to help you.
Know your legislators.
  • How do they vote on key issues? If you disagree, ask them to explain their votes.
  • Whether you agree with them on most things or not, it helps to develop an understanding of and relationship with your legislators
Know the facts.
  • Read the bill yourself or divide it with like-minded friends and share your findings. Don’t comment on a bill you haven’t read. It can be embarrassing.
  • Learn the arguments on both sides.
  • Argue with facts.
  • Avoid emotional, non-factual arguments.

Keep communications polite, short, and to the point.

  • Emails
    • Include request in subject line: “Please vote NO on ….”
    • Thank your legislator for serving
    • List your reasons for requesting a NO or YES vote
    • Close respectfully
    • Include contact information
  • Never send a form letter or email
  • Handwritten letters are well-received when there is time for mailing
  • The same principles apply to phone calls and texts
Know when to call and when to stop.
  • There are times for full boar activism and times to stand down. Be aware.
  • Work with the group for maximum effectiveness.
Contact Information

Find your state legislators here:

Find and track your federal representatives here:
Find information on bills here:
How a bill becomes law:
Kristen Chevrier
Find us on facebook: Vaccine Freedom Utah

Kristen’s Notes on the CDC Truth and Transparency Rally: CDC Atlanta, October 14, 2016

On Thursday, October 13th, I boarded a flight from Salt Lake City to Atlanta, Georgia, to gather with hundreds of other vaccine choice advocates to demand truth and transparency from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

There have been numerous allegations of unethical research, reporting, and business practices, some of which are currently under congressional investigation and/or in litigation.

A group of us rented an Airbnb for the weekend. As we all arrived and took stock, we realized, with delight, that our group was comprised of two Catholics, a Pagan, two Protestants, a Jew, a Latter-Day Saint (Mormon), an athiest (for lack of a better description), and a Yogi. Most of us had never met in person. We were thrilled, both with our diversity and the fact that we were finally able to hug.

Friday, rally day, was to be the final day for public comment on a new CDC rule proposal, allowing the CDC to forcibly detain, quarantine, and vaccinate anyone showing signs of illness (rash, stomach issues, fever, coughing, etc.), particularly on airplanes and cruise ships. We were up late into the night drafting our comments and enjoying being together.

Friday morning, at the crack of dawn, we headed for the CDC. While we waited for our driver, we displayed our signs for oncoming traffic. When the driver arrived, he asked about our signs and what we would be doing at the CDC. My friend, Paula, an activist from Oregon, informed him of our mission. We talked with him for a bit and he commented, “But you’re such nice people.” It seemed to surprise him that protestors could be nice, normal people. He went on to tell us that he had been praying for truth and he felt this was some of what he was looking for. He thanked us. We hopped out when he stopped in traffic, half a block from the CDC entrance, so that we could get to the rally more quickly. There was a huge crowd already there.

The Vaxxed bus was parked in a parking lot kitty-corner from the CDC entrance, up on a hill. Of course, I was excited to see some of my Vaxxed team friends. I was sad that Dr. Wakefield was occupied with a huge conference in Dallas and unable to attend the rally. It was great to see Josh, Del, Patrick, Catharine, Polly, and Anu, and spend the day with them and other dedicated health choice advocates.

Among the protestors were people from many states including Texas, New Jersey, Utah, Oregon, California, Mississippi, Florida, and several more.

Most notably, there was a large group of people from the Nation of Islam (NOI). They have become very involved because Black male children are affected by vaccine injuries to a much greater extent than any other children.

There were megaphones, whistles, and signs—some with slogans, some with pictures of injured children, others with names and dates marking the life-span of a victim. There were people marching through crosswalks, demanding justice. Horns were honking, in favor of and in opposition to our protest. A few CDC employees were visibly angry. Many stared straight ahead as they drove or walked past. Some took time to read our signs. One young man read my sign and shook his head. I nodded my head, pointing at the sign, which was a collage of photos of my friend, Colton Berrett, who was paralyzed by the HPV vaccine. He continued to shake his head vigorously, in denial. I hope he will remember our encounter as time goes by and more is revealed.

One young mother drove through our demonstration on her way to her therapist, who she was seeing because her child died within a couple of hours of receiving vaccines. She had no idea there was a protest planned or that there was any organized movement for informed consent, truth, and transparency. She now has a support group of vaccine choice advocates.

There were eleven police cars parked in front of the entrance. Police officers came and spoke with us. Some knew nothing, but were willing to listen and learn. One had been discharged from the military for refusing a vaccine. Another asked me, very kindly, to step out of the street, onto the curb. He said, “I understand why you are here. I have done my research, and I appreciate what you are doing. I don’t want you to get hit.”

We also noticed an official looking helicopter circling above us for a while, early on. Eventually it left.

At some point, we all noticed that the blue sky was tightly crisscrossed with white jet trails. Far more than I have ever seen before. I am not sure what the reason was. There is some speculation that there were toxic chemicals being intentionally released in the jet trails.

Eventually, the Vaxxed bus was asked to leave the area, I suppose on grounds that they were on private property. It was not really clear what the reason was.

A young father from Louisiana came late to the rally. His son is vaccine injured and he came to see what he could do to help with advocacy.

The rally lasted until 2 pm, with a good crowd there until then.

After the rally several of us ate lunch and relaxed at a burger place right near the intersection where the protest was held. Then we walked back to the car. As we drove out of the side street, we noticed two Homeland Security vehicles that had been parked a block from the rally, out of view of the CDC entrance below.

Friday evening a group of us attended a screening of Vaxxed, hosted by the Nation of Islam. There were hundreds of NOI adherents and a handful of white friends. There was a wonderful prayer at the beginning, much of which mirrored  my own thoughts and philosophies. I found myself thinking that we all believe in the same God, but call him by different names. Brother Tony Mohammed, second in line to Minister Farakhan, gave a speech. The thoughts that stood out most to me were the need to stand up for truth, the need to build bridges to the white community, and to see people for their souls and not their color.

The screening was followed by a panel discussion with scientists, researchers, vaccine injury parents, and medical doctors. I do not remember all of the people who were on the panel, but it included Michelle Ford, who organized the rally; Marcella Piper-Terry, a stellar researcher; Del Bigtree, movie producer; Dr. Judy Mikovitz, former CDC researcher; Polly Tommey, co-producer of Vaxxed and mother of Billy, a vaccine injured young man; and a young woman physician who is a member of NOI. (If there is someone I am well-acquainted with who I missed, please forgive me.) My dear friend Lucy Cole was honored as the white woman who reached out to warn the NOI of the vaccine issues and their impact on the black community. I believe Minister Farakhan was in the audience. The meeting lasted until nearly 11 pm, but was enthralling.

Saturday, there was a symposium where we were able to hear from speakers on a range of health related topics. Speakers included Dr. Judy Mikovitz, who told about the experience with retroviruses in her research lab and many other things, which kept me spellbound (I now own an autographed copy of her book, Plague, and can’t wait to have time to read it); Forrest Maready, who does educational video clips on vaccines and gave an inspiring speech on the need for more men to become involved in this movement, and the need for constitutional protection of informed consent; Del Bigtree, who spoke about God’s hand in this movement; and several others, all of whom had incredibly interesting insights to share. There was a short presentation on stem cells, the fact that they are plentiful in the umbilical cord, and how they work to heal a wide range health issues.

I ate lunch with a sweet young mama who lost her baby to vaccines.

Saturday evening I had dinner with some of my housemates and then we went home to relax, visit, and pack.

Sunday at breakfast I was able to visit with my Yogi house mate, Thomas Milcarek. We had a great conversation about food, Joseph Smith and the LDS Word of Wisdom. Thomas was thrilled to hear about what Joseph Smith said about food and commented that it lined up with what we know of the wisdom of the ancients, across the globe. We talked about the fact that LDS people do not drink alcohol, but eat a lot of sugar. He said it is basically the same thing and that I should tell the LDS people that. I agreed. I left Thomas with a loaf of my naturally leavened, and sugar free, kamut bread.

We said good-byes and I headed for Norcross, with my brother-in-law. On the way to my in-law’s house I saw a church with the name “Simpsonwood.” Simpsonwood caught my eye because it was the location of a secret meeting on June 7th and 8th, 2000, where scientists met ostensibly to discuss the findings of the Verstraeten study. The connection between thimerosal and autism and how to hide it was central to this discussion. (An overview of what happened in this meeting can be found in Brett Wilcox’s book Jabbed, chapter 15, and/or you can watch this video (two parts): Fascinating.) I asked my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to take me to the Simpsonwood Retreat. We walked in to look at it and it’s not there anymore. The only signs that it ever existed are clearings. (I’m not saying this means anything; it is just a fact.)

I spent Sunday and Monday with family, and on Tuesday enjoyed a big southern breakfast with my sister-in-law, on the way to the airport.

I sat in the Atlanta airport for five hours, due to mechanical issues with the plane, but was able to talk to several people including a pro-life activist who is very well-versed on human fetal tissue in vaccines.

On my twice delayed connecting flight out of Denver I was able to visit with one of our Utah State Representatives about vaccine policy.

I landed to a private message from my friend Paula: “Girl, are you gettin’ this? Did you see the news today?”

  • Twelve more whistleblowers, senior scientists at the CDC, sent out a letter condemning unethical practices by the CDC.
  • The head of the CDC blocked the deposition of CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, in a lawsuit, on the grounds that, “Dr. William Thompson’s testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS.” Really? Go figure.

Oddly, none of this seems to have made the MSM.

Momentum is building. The truth is on our side. Mandates are unethical, but are looming, not only for children, but also for adults. Real, credible research must be published on vaccines and the immune system.

If there were ever a time to stand up and be heard, the time is now.

Kristen Chevrier

Vaccine Freedom Utah