Category Archives: VaxXed


In 2013 Colton Berrett, a 13 year old Utah boy, suffered paralyzing transverse myelitis two weeks after receiving a third dose of Merck’s Gardasil vaccine. Colton became the first male face of Gardasil injury after appearing in an interview in August of 2016 with the creators of the documentary “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe,” which exposed fraudulent reporting by the Centers for Disease Control on the safety of the MMR vaccine.

Colton’s doctor, who administered the Gardasil series, initially claimed it would protect the teen’s future wife from cancer. However, once Colton became permanently paralyzed by severe spinal cord swelling, his doctor immediately ceased providing this vaccine to male patients in his practice.

As with many teens injured by Gardasil, Colton was extraordinarily athletic prior to receiving the vaccine, excelling in baseball, Motocross, skiing and many other sports. Three years of therapy gave him back the use of his core and legs, but left his arms, neck and lungs permanently disabled. On video, Colton appeared optimistic about adjusting to his new life, one which required a neck brace, arm sling, and permanent attachment to a respirator. Colton met with former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz in September, 2016, to speak about his injuries.

Last Friday, Colton passed away.

Colton’s death comes on the heels of a December, 2017, Slate investigative article that exposed faulty side-effect reporting in the Gardasil safety trials. Slate alleges that rather than reporting all new developments, trial investigators were authorized to withhold information regarding Gardasil side effects from regulators. Instead of sharing the information, trial investigators reported it on a form entitled “New Health History,” which was not submitted to licensing authorities.

Colton’s family is now grieving his loss a second time.

At a candlelight vigil for Colton on Friday January 12th, we listened to three additional Utah parents who have lost children to vaccine injury. A missionary flu vaccine put Lori Webb’s son, Chandler, in a coma, from which he never recovered. A H1N1 Flu mist killed Sandy Kanervisto’s 19 yo son. A 12 month vaccine cocktail, followed by a flu shot, killed Krystle Kordingley’s toddler. These are just a small sampling of the vaccine injuries among Utah children. My doctor has noted that the incidence of many chronic illnesses, formerly rare in children, has been spiraling upward. The infant mortality rate in the United States in 2014 was 6.1 per 1000 live births—double the infant mortality rate of the Czech Republic and far higher than most first world countries. (We give Hepatitis B vaccine to our newborns).

LDS missionaries are returning home in record numbers with myriad chronic disorders, some ending their lives with suicide. Several returned missionaries have told me that their health and/or psychological problems followed closely on the heels of vaccines, prior to or during their missions.

Accounts of injury and death are increasing along with the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule, which has increased from 24 doses in 1983 to 72 doses in 2017. Utah’s Autism Spectrum Disorders are among the highest in the nation. The national rate reported for 2017 is 1/36, compared with one in 10,000 in 1975.

There is ample evidence that vaccines, rather than boosting the immune system, actually dismantle it; that childhood and other illnesses are beneficial to the immune system, and that with proper nutrition and sanitation, they can be navigated successfully, and begin to provide true herd immunity; and that fully unvaccinated children are far less prone to chronic illness than those who have had any vaccines.

Yesterday was Colton’s funeral. His passing is a wake-up call for every leader, ecclesiastical and civic, to proactively open a public dialog about vaccine safety. It is a call to review pressure or mandates to vaccinate for church, hospital, and school employees and for missionaries and college students. We must have accurate information on which to base our health decisions. We must learn why our children are suffering and dying. Educate yourselves on what we now know about vaccines and the immune system. Get involved in this discussion. Be part of the solution.

There is life beyond vaccines.

Confronting Paul Offit

On November 21, 2016, at New York University Langone Medical Center, Dr. Paul Offit, California State Senator Richard Pan, and Law Professor Dorit Reiss spoke at a symposium on “Confronting Vaccine Resistance” –teaching new doctors how to dismiss parental concerns about vaccines, in order to get more kids vaccinated.

The VaxXed team, miraculously, got a filming permit to park in front of the building for the entire day of the symposium.


A couple of hours prior to the meeting, VaxXed camera man, Joshua Coleman, father of a vaccine injured child, approached Dr. Paul Offit to request an interview. Mr. Coleman was very polite, yet apparently threw Offit so far off his game that he was unable to control his mouth or his manners–and felt compelled to lie about the situation afterward.

Offit’s description of what happened.


What actually happened. (Language warning.)
Short version:

Long version:


Paul Offit has made more than $17 million from vaccine sales. He is the creator of the first Rotavirus vaccine, which was pulled from the market for safety reasons. He claims that infants should be able to receive 10,000 vaccines at one time, with no adverse reactions. He was at Langone to participate in a symposium on “Confronting Vaccine Resistance,” but could not disguise his contempt for or spare time to discuss his thoughts with actual “vaccine resistors.”

Dr. Paul Offit, one of the most vociferous defenders of vaccine safety, Chief of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, and a Professor of Pediatrics, has a long-standing reputation for being ill-tempered, foul mouthed, and untruthful. On November 21st, he demonstrated all three, for the world to see.

Summary of Symposium by Dr. Suzanne Humphries: 

Joshua Coleman crossing the street in front of Langone Medical Center in New York City.


Joshua Coleman with son, Otto, who was diagnosed with vaccine induced transverse myelitis at 17 months.



Kristen Chevrier
(Photos and video by Joshua Coleman, Polly Tommey, and Lisa Langebek)


Additional Information

Dr. Paul Offit

Haley vs. Offit: Virtual Debate

VaxXed video footage from Langone Medical Center:

California Senator Richard Pan, was the sponsor of last year’s California’s SB277, which removed all but a tenuous medical exemption from school children in California; is a top recipient of pharmaceutical money in California.

(Note: This article was written prior to passage of SB277. More money was given to Senator Pan after the passage of SB277, and he was the recipient of PAC money that is not included in the totals listed in the article.)

Joshua Coleman on SB277

Dorit Reiss, is a Professor of Law at UC Hastings, San Francisco; outspoken proponent of the CDC vaccine schedule.


That’s a wrap! VaxXed Nation Tour 2016

Working closely with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, legislators, the VaxXed team, and activists nationwide, I have spent the past year advocating for truth, transparency, and accountability concerning vaccine injury.

It is evident to me that we need a paradigm shift to put an end to vaccine mandates and prevent more needless injuries and deaths.

The VaxXed team, specifically Polly Tommey, Joshua Coleman, Patrick Layton, and Anu Vaidya, has spent the past five months recording vaccine injury stories, day in and day out, across the nation. The 4000 plus stories collected so far are only the tip of the iceberg.

The VaxXed team is shifting the paradigm. Thanks to their efforts, we now know, from thousands of victims and their families, that vaccines both maim and kill. Vaccine injury is real.  It is not “one in a million.”

VaxXed team videographer, Joshua Coleman, created a fabulous short overview of the tour.

Powerful and poignant. Five minutes and worth every second.

Please watch and share.

Kristen Chevrier